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Tokugawa GardenA House Of Owari Tokugawa Family. A Historical Japanese Garden Made In The Glossy Leaved Forest
Waterfall sounds cutting off the bustle of a big city. Vivid green plants changing its tone with the season. Put yourself into the silence that you never think you're in a big city. I think it proper that here was once a retired house for the lord of Owari area.
I take pictures of beauties on the earth such as beaches, woods, and living creatures.
Tokugawa Garden
Access:10 min walk from JR Osone Station. Bu bus from Nagoya Station , 30 min to Tokugawa Museum or 20 min to Tokugawa-en Shindeki. By car or taxi, 20 min from Nagoya Station. Parking area is available.
Parking:Parking area is available