CLUB HARIE Hikone Mihori no Ya
CLUB HARIE Hikone Mihori no Ya is one of the best restaurants to travel in Hikone-shi, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Here're guides for reviews, menu, hours, access, map and photos of CLUB HARIE Hikone Mihori no Ya posted by Japanese travelers in the know.
CLUB HARIE Hikone Mihori no Ya
1-2-33 Honmachi, Hikone-shi, ShigaGoogle Map
How to get there
12 min walk from Hikone Castle
Strawberry Dessert Set At A Stylish CafeCLUB HARIE Hikone Mihori no Ya
At a cafe of well-known CLUB HARIE, located next to Hikone Castle, we can eat a dessert set with many sweet strawberries which is prepared only 20 dishes a day. You can choose whatever drinks you want, so it prices lower. And if you visit alone, it's easy to come into the cafe, because the room is very calm and quiet.
Just Baked SconesCLUB HARIE Hikone Mihori no Ya
This shop is famous for its baumkuchen! But other pastries are also good and there are different kinds of pastries in each shops. Here you can eat scones just baked.