Yume Cosmos Garden Reviews
Yume Cosmos Garden is one of the best places to go in Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Here're guides for opening hours, access, map, spots nearby, reviews and photos of Yume Cosmos Garden posted by Japanese travelers in the know.
Yume Cosmos Garden
East side of Kameoka Gym Park, Anagawa Yoshikawa-cho, Kameoka-shi, KyotoGoogle Map
Adult 600 yen、Child 300 yen
How to get there
10 min by bus from Kameoka Station to Unndo Koen^-mae. By car or taxi, 40 min from Kyoto Station.
Free parking area is available
Yume Cosmos Garden Popular Reviews
20 Kinds Of Cosmos In Many ColorsYume Cosmos Garden
Yume Cosmos Garden, at Kameoka in Kyoto, has 20 kinds and 8 million cosmos in its best season. You can see the cosmos in color we can rarely see at other places!
The Largest One In Kansai Region! 8 Million Cosmos FlowersYume Cosmos Garden
Yume Cosmos Garden starts to open in the late September. And visitors can pick cosmos at the late season.◎Opening season in 2018: 9/22-10/28, 9:00-16:00. (weekends and national holidays opened till 16:30)