Soudayama Yukiwari Zakura Park
Soudayama Yukiwari Zakura Park is one of the best places to go in Susaki, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Here're guides for cherry blossom time, access, map, spots nearby, reviews and photos of Soudayama Yukiwari Zakura Park posted by Japanese travelers who have actually been there.
Soudayama Yukiwari Zakura Park
Kuwatayama Otsu, Susaki-shi, KochiGoogle Map
Best Time
Winter cherry blossom (Kan-zakura) becomes the best to see from the middle of February to the middle of May.
How to get there
5 min by car or taxi from Gosou Station
Parking area is available
Winter Cherry Blossoms & Canola FlowersSoudayama Yukiwari Zakura Park
Winter cherry blossom begins to bloom in early spring, from the middle of February to the middle of March. I like this beautiful contrast of pink and yellow.