Edohigan In Kira
Edohigan In Kira is one of the best places to travel in Mima-gun, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. Here're guides for attractions, hours, access, map, spots nearby, and photos of Edohigan In Kira posted by Japanese travelers in the know.
Edohigan In Kira
679 Sadamitsu Kira Tsurugi-cho, Mima-gun, TokushimaGoogle Map
A Rain Of Cherry Blossoms, 430 Years Old Divine Tree Of Edohigan ZakuraEdohigan In Kira
A tree of Edohigan-zakura in Sadamitsu, Tokushima, is very huge and about 430 years old. Its standing posture is very divine, and, at the best time to see, produces an impressive scene like a rain of cherry blossoms.◎Season: from the end of March to the beginning of April /Access: Be careful to drive, you have to go on mountain paths.